Guess What?

We are so glad to be able to announce this news. Lucy has been doing really well over the past few months. She has really matured emotionally, probably in part to healing emotionally from all she has bern through. Gods timing is perfect. We had decided shortly after Lucy’s surgery we were ready bring a new life into our family and fully expected to be delivering a baby by this time. I know the stress of her surgery took a toll on my body, but God designed our bodies so wonderfully. Our bodies know exactly when to stop ovulating due to stress. I’m convinced my body did.

I thank you all for your prayers and support throughout all of this. Please keep Lucy and the rest of the family in your prayers during this transition in our family.

In Christ’s Peace,

5 Replies to “Guess What?”

  1. Please tell Lucy that her faith is an inspiration to us all…

    You’re right God’s timing is always perfect and we tap into that perfection through the release of our faith.

    Katie, y’all humble me in being able to walk through all you’ve been through with such grace.

    Thanks for reminding me how small my supposed problems are and what really matters.

  2. I am so happy for you Katie. I know how much you wanted another baby.
    I am glad that Lucy is in good shape so that you can give alot of attention to your new arrival. I know all the children and Shanti are excited. Another picture for your Mom’s kitchen cabinet. Love and peace, Grandmommy

  3. Bless you sweet Lucy for your announcement !
    I know you will be the BEST big sister ever!
    Please tell your family I send my love to
    Each of you! ( even the one we can’t see yet)

    Love, love, love
    P S your blue dress is so pretty! Congratulattons
    On all the work you have done to open your
    Mouth all the way!

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