Most of you remember that our youngest Lucy had surgery 21 months ago for a rare infection of the mastoid. Some of you already know that since a few months after the surgery she has been unable to open her mouth more than 1/4″ (it should be more like 1.5-2″). She has been undergoing therapy because we were under the assumption that this was a muscular/scar tissue issue. After months and not seeing much improvement we were referred to a pediatric dentist that did a pano x-ray. Unfortunately, the x-ray showed that her right TMJ joint was severely malformed. 

Yesterday we had an appointment with a TMJ specialist. His diagnosis, from the x-ray and all of her MRI’s from the hospital stay, is that she suffers from a rare condition called Fibro-osseus ankylosis of the TMJ. What this means is that as a result of the infection or trauma (surgery) her body started to grow more bone in the joint essentially fusing her bottom jaw joint to her skull. His surgical remedy for this is to go in and remove all of the bone and use part of one of her ribs to graft on to her bottom jaw as a new joint. Of course, we are not thrilled in the least about the prospect of surgery for her again and then dealing with the system that left us with the tremendous stress of a six month CPS case. 

I am asking for prayers first and foremost for Lucy’s healing, physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally so that if and when she undergoes this procedure the trauma will be minimal and she will be emotionally able to handle it. I took her to a healing mass last night and asked for God’s hand to miraculously heal her jaw if it is His will. We will see. If not, I ask for the grace and strength for our family to endure this ordeal and know that He will use it for His glory. I would also like to ask for prayers of protection over our family. I can already see the evil forces working against us. The TMJ doctor has ordered another CT scan and the hospital has already completely messed it up. Confusion is hard at work here. They have the wrong orders and told me the doctor scheduled it when he and his staff specifically told me to make the appointment. It is being worked out as we speak. It is quite comical how satan will use any means to destroy!! I need to keep this in perspective and not stress. 

I can’t thank all of you enough for all you did 21 months ago and throughout our CPS ordeal and am so thankful that I have such a great support system to rely on for prayers. To this day I meet people or run into people I have not seen for some time who tell me they had heard about Lucy and were praying for her back then. It won’t be until our deaths that we will fully realize how great the Communion of Saints is!!