My New Site is Up


I have been working very hard over the past several days to get my site up and running and looking good(thanks to my husband!). I think it is finally finished. I’d like to send the link out to you guys first to let you see if it is working for you, specifically the Lucy Mae Timeline. Please feel free to comment here on Lucy Mae or on the new site, Swell Living.

In a day or so I will send out an email with all the necessary information and links for you guys to forward on to friends and family that may be interested in donating to help with Lucy’s surgery.

Please also keep us in your prayers in the coming weeks as we were informed that Lucy would need to have an angiogram and an MRI before her surgery.  She will need to be put to sleep for the MRI for sure and if they can’t do them at the same time she will need to be sedated for the angiogram.  This wasn’t something I was planning on having to do before the surgery.  It especially makes me nervous to have her intubated, nasally, prior to the surgery, but God is in control and I have to put my trust in Him.  This is easier said than done sometimes though.

Thanks to all of you that have already offered your help in many ways when Lucy has her surgery and, of course, for your continued prayers.

In Christ’s Peace,

Katie Guy


2 Replies to “My New Site is Up”

  1. The Guy family is in our daily prayers especially sweet Lucy Mae.
    Thanks for the update.
    Ann and Warren

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