Doing Good and Prayer Request for a Friend

Lucy is still doing really well, improving every day.  Sleep is still an issue but she has had enough anesthesia to last a lifetime and we have been told that anesthesia causes dream/nightmares.  We are anxious for her body to detox all of the drugs out!!  We went to the Dr. today and he is pleased with her improvement.  We won’t start the heavy stretching with the TheraBite for a few weeks.  We are hoping that Lucy won’t have too much pain with this process because getting her mouth open to maximum width is key to her being able to maintain the artificial joint until she is a teen ager.  The Dr. was very pleased with the amount she can open already.

Compared to before surgery this is great.  The first time he saw her after the surgery he was almost moved to tears.  As you know, Lucy is the youngest person this procedure has ever been done on and he was not only proud of his work but very happy for Lucy and so glad that he was able to help her as he loves to help kids.  He works on adults more than kids, I believe.  Lucy would tell you it’s not a kids office because she always asks them for a sticker and they don’t have them.  Everyone is smitten with her cuteness so much so that on one appointment there were women searching everywhere for stickers for her.  They ended up giving her some stickers that had come with some address labels!!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers for us.  I will try to update as time permits.  We are very busy dealing with all of Lucy’s needs and fitting everything into our schedule.  Also, we have started homeschooling again and are trying to iron out that schedule as well.

Please keep my friend’s baby boy and his family in your prayers.  He was born on August 23rd and the next day taken to the hospital for some very strange behavior.  They were about to release him because he had not exhibited anything unusual while in the NICU and then he turned purple and brown.  This prompted more tests and they discovered that he had a massive stroke sometime within the past 7 days, possibly in the womb.  This stroke caused some damage to the left side of his brain and could cause some developmental problems concerning muscle development and speech.  Since he is a baby though it is highly probable that the brain will compensate as he learns new things and just form other pathways.  They are asking for prayers that the next MRI will show improvement in the damaged area.  He will remain in the NICU for a few weeks to ensure that the seizures caused by the stroke are under control. Please keep this family in your prayers.

In Christ’s Peace,
Katie Guy

2 Replies to “Doing Good and Prayer Request for a Friend”

  1. I was thinking about you last night and actually had a dream of a child suffering from nightmares.
    I want to refer you to Dr. Alex Bekker a Homeopathic MD in dallas
    I have seen him before for my children and he is wonderful and especially patient and good with children.

  2. So happy to see Lucy smiling!! I’ll continue prayers for her and your family. What is the name of your friend’s baby?


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