It’s getting close…

Earlier this week Lucy had her last dental hygiene appointment before her surgery.  This is exciting and scary at the same time.  I know the hygienist will be glad when she can finally get in there and clean all of her teeth properly.  We are all anxious to see the condition of them too.  From Lucy’s last CT scan the surgeon said it didn’t appear that she had much decay but that it wasn’t exactly conclusive.  I’m hoping all of the things we have been doing to keep her healthy have paid off.  Much of the decay on her front teeth that she developed right after her first surgery hasn’t progressed.  This is primarily due to the fact that I have been using the Thieves toothpaste and mouthwash on her religiously.  I have been so pleased with the effectiveness of these products.

I know Lucy is looking forward to being able to open her mouth and truthfully she likes to go to get her teeth cleaned.  She has come a long way since her last surgery.  The first few times we went to the dentist, after her first surgery, we focused on getting her comfortable with the chair.  She slowly progressed to letting the hygienist clean her teeth and then at longer intervals.  We are very proud of her progress and pray that she is old enough now that this surgery will not set her back emotionally in that area or any area for that matter.  So, for any of you adults that make excuses for getting your teeth cleaned, you don’t have one anymore…if a 4 year old who can’t open her mouth and is in constant pain can sit through one, so can you!!  :)


In Christ’s Peace,


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