

I know many of you have been anxiously awaiting the announcement of his name. We have finally had some time to decide after the exhausting events on Sunday…

Owen Ignatius Guy

After St. Owen and St. Ignatius of Loyola

His name means, “possessing fire” or “born with the Holy Spirit”. I prefer the latter.

Born 1-13-13

At 8:50am


Weighing 9 lbs 3 oz…he only weighed 9 lbs by the time they got him on the scale, but this was after he went potty for the first time. Since I gave birth to him I’m adding back on those ounces!!

He was 22 1/2″ long

Head 14 1/2″

Chest 14 1/2″

Owen had a very traumatic entrance into this world. He was in the wrong position during birth and ended up with shoulder dystocia. After a grueling labor his head was delivered with a massive contusion on the left side. His body would not deliver despite my best efforts. I was moved two times and with the gentle maneuvering help of the midwife his body finally was delivered with no injuries!

Unfortunately, this birth was still very traumatic for him and he was lifeless, unresponsive and not breathing. The midwives worked diligently on him while still attending to me. They encouraged us to talk to and touch him to help stimulate him. In the meantime 911 was called, just in case. Praise be to Jesus Christ he started to breath on his own, pinked up and began to move by the time the paramedics arrived. They assessed the situation and left.

The poor little guy was as exhausted as I was and over the course of the next few hours he stopped breathing several more times and turned blue again. He was brought out of it by stimulation and talking to him. I think he just wanted to go back in the womb where it was quite and safe. Thankfully one of my midwives and good friends is also a chiropractor and adjusted him after the last time he stopped breathing. He was very out of alignment from the birth. Since then he has been breathing great and everything looks perfect!!

We are so grateful for all of the prayers that were lifted up to heaven on our behalf for this birth. Even though it was not the perfect, normal birth I had hoped for, I am quite confident it was part of God’s perfect plan and we have all of your prayers to thank for our little guy being with us today.

I do have to laugh at what my neighbors must think. Out of four home births the ambulance has been here for three of them! And yet we are “crazy” enough to keep having kids! They are the only thing you can create in life that will last for all Eternity! That alone is worth it.

The children are all very excited and think he’s the cutest baby ever, Lucy especially.




More photos to come soon.

Another prayer request please. Owen has both a lip and tongue tie. While he is nursing well these things mean its very painful for me and he isn’t getting as much milk as he should. We are scheduled to have both of these taken care of on Thursday. We really appreciate your prayers for this procedure and the aftercare.

In Christ’s Peace,

2 Replies to “Introducing…”

  1. Katie and family, Owen is beautiful. Our family will be praying for him on Thursday. I can’t believe you can write so well after all of the events surrounding Owen’s birth. While I can’t wait to see more pictures, I hope to not see any for at least 2 weeks so that you can get some rest and enjoy loving the amazing gift God has given you. Praise the Lord, Owen will have a fascinating birth story to share as he grows older! I pray the Lord will bless you and your whole family with His rest-filled peace and a little extra sleep!

  2. Praise be to God and congratulations! We are so very happy for you and will pray for all of you especially little Owen today. (one of my all time favorite names!) We will also pray for you all to be able to rest and just enjoy each other. I miss you friend and think of you often. love and prayers, erika

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