Prayers Please


Lucy celebrated her fifth birthday free of tooth pain. The past two weeks have been pretty hectic trying to figure out how to get Lucy’s teeth taken care of. The anesthesiologist with the dentist we wanted to take care of Lucy was scared off by the surgeon. He told him that she would be a difficult intubation in case of emergency. He referred us to some pediatric dentists who work in the hospital. I’ve been in contact with them and trying to figure out what steps to take, how much the hospital would be ($5000 for the facility), etc.

In the meantime, Lucy’s tooth that needs to be pulled has abscessed. We now have an emergency appointment today at 3. I’m not sure what, if anything, they will be able to do. It’s a possibility they could pull the tooth with local IF Lucy will be comfortable enough for the shot etc. Maybe they will be able to use an oral sedative, I’m not sure.

Anyways, as always thank you for your prayers and I’ll will try to update soon.

In Christ’s Peace,

7 Replies to “Prayers Please”

  1. Hi Katie,
    It just never ends does it. You must be worn out. But I am with you in prayer and
    in this new quandry. I know Mary will Mother Lucy with exactly what will be best.
    Love as ever,
    I wasn’t able to get to the book sale. I hope all was good.

  2. it never gets easy, does it? keep the faith, as you both have always done. we’re praying for you and for this latest issue. God Bless!

  3. Lucy has been through so much in lifetime, but I am sure she will do well. When I heard she insisted on walking out of the hospital after her jaw surgery, I knew her will to carry on was strong. She will be in my thoughts and so will her family.

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