Tongue Taco

Wow, that last post of mine was not that uplifting.  Sorry about that.  It had been one of those days/weeks etc.  I’m pretty sure it got you guys praying extra hard for us because things started to get a bit easier.  Thanks!!

As you can see from the photo above Lucy can do a tongue roll again.  She started to do this as a baby before she could even talk and then once she couldn’t open her mouth she couldn’t get stick her tongue out.  After her surgery she could immediately get her tongue out, but could not do the tongue roll.  The surgeon said part of that was because some nerve function is temporarily lost, but also because her tongue was stuck in her mouth for so long.  She was very excited about being able to do this again.

The stretching has been going better.  We have been working on some self control techniques.  I have pulled heavily from my natural birth techniques.  Breath, deep breaths, stay on top of the pain, don’t loose control, etc.  In fact, the other day Shanti was asking Lucy what she wanted to do when she got bigger and she said “big kid stuff” (like her older siblings), I clarified and said “what do you want to do when you grow up” and she said without a beat…”have a baby”.  She’ll be able to use everything I’m teaching her now when that day comes.  It’s going to make childbirth so much easier for her.  :)  We have made some headway on her opening too.  She is at around 25 mm.  The doctor was pleased with this.  He said he would be happy if we could get her to open on her own up to 30 mm.  This width will help the body to kick in the growing process.


All in all Lucy has been doing really well.  It seems as if the internal stitches have all dissolved, but the Dr. warned that there may be more to come.  Kids bodies are very pro-active.  It gets to work right away trying to get rid of foreign things.  She is still getting excited and showing me how she can bite into things.  I hear this alot, “Mom watch this…”, I turn to see her open wide and take a bite of her sandwich or a bite out of an apple.  Brushing her teeth has been so much easier too.  There are so many little things that are starting to become normal again.  I hope that I can always remember not to take them for granted.

I have been in contact with the hospital about getting a discount.  I filled out the paper work and am just waiting to hear back.  I’m hoping that we will get a significant percentage off of the final price.  Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support.  I hope to keep you updated, as time permits, on Lucy’s continued progress.


In Christ’s Peace,




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