Update on Baby Boy…Guilhem (Gee-EM)


Below is an update on the baby boy I asked you to pray for. Thank you so much for your prayers. I’ll write just a quick note about Lucy and apologize for not writing more frequently. Things have been very hectic.

She’s been sick the past 36 hours and didn’t sleep at all last night. I think her fever is gone though so hopefully she’ll sleep tonight!! We have started to stretch her mouth now and that has been FUN! There is nothing like torturing your young child, it really reduces the stress level in your day! Also, her scar keeps getting infected areas, because internal stitches that didn’t dissolve and are trying to push there way out. I have to try to squeeze them out. Double fun!


In spite of all the above, she is continuing to heal and making slow headway in her mouth opening, as can be seen below.


I hope you can find the time to continue to pray for us. I know there are many more pressing issues to devote your prayers to, so we really appreciate your faithfulness.

In Christ’s Peace,

Guilhem update…

Dear family and friends,

We are very thankful for all your prayers and sacrifices made for Baby Guilhem.

He was discharged on Tuesday, last week, stabilized and set to take seizure control medication until his next check-up on Nov. 1. The meds are necessary but not without danger so we are currently praying not only for their effectiveness but also their safety in the short & long term.

As for the underlying brain damage, we are hoping & praying that God will heal him and enable his brain to re-wire itself on the undamaged part. All we know for now is that his right side and his language will be damaged to an unknown degree (as much as science can tell).

We are trying to stimulate new neural growth thru exercise, music, massage, talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, touch, etc. Please pray this works. And, continue to pray for all the health care workers who see him.

So far, all the specific prayers have been answered positively, so we hope that this will continue. Thank you.

We ask you to continue perseveringly in what looks to be a long prayer of intercession for our dearest boy. He is beautiful and a blessing to our family and the world.

We also ask that you pray for the conversion of all our family members, for we have grown particularly cognizant of our sinfulness and failures thru this experience as well as of the beauty of God’s plan and of our desire to live in accord with it.

You are in my prayers as well.

Guilhem’s Mom

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