
The other day I was working with Lucy on letter recognition. We went through the first stack of upper case letters. Each card had a corresponding picture on the back. Then we started on the stack of lower case letters, again each card with a corresponding picture. I would tell Lucy the letter, she would say it and then turn the card over and say the picture, like this “ for ants, for bear, for cat” and so on until we got to the letter X. I told her it was an X she said “X” turned the card over and without missing a beat said “is for cat scan”.  It’s funny what things they will pick up that you don’t even notice.

On another, funny/not so funny, note.  I finally received our CPS report that I requested about a year and a half ago.  Quite an interesting read but conveniently missing the actual report that was filed on us full of lies by the “Dr.”.  I’m not sure how to go about getting this part of the report as it took them a full 18 months to get this much to me.  It was taking so long that I forgot for many months and finally called and they said they were completely back logged, no surprise for a government office, and that they were getting to the requests in the order they were received.  By this point they weren’t even giving priority to the people who needed the report for a court case and have no plans to do so because they are so backed up.  What can you do?

I guess I’m glad that the 20 year old case worker who came to interview my children in private about not only neglect but physical and sexual abuse reported that I appeared to be “neat and clean and appropriately dressed”.  Good thing it wasn’t a bad hair and clothes day!!   For those of you that don’t know we refused the request to interview our children and hired a lawyer.  If you are ever put in this unfortunate position I strongly recommend that you do the same as these case workers are allowed to ask you child any manner of questions, exposing them to perverse sexual things they have no business knowing.

So the moral for today is “X…is for cat scan”.  Seeing as we have scheduled another CT scan for Lucy on February 9th, I’m not sure she will be convinced any time soon that “X is for X-ray”!!  Please pray that Lucy will sit still for this scan and that the image shows improvement!!

In Christ’s Peace,


4 Replies to “Funny”

  1. Thank you Katie for this post!
    Lucy is such a delightful little girl.
    Your children are wonderful.

    Sorry you had to go through such an experience
    with the CPS…

    I wish all the best with the next appointment.

    My love and thanks,

  2. Lucy, you are a brave girl. I know you can sit very still just like a little mouse hiding in the closet. We love your courage.

  3. Guess what! I didn’t catch on until your explanation at the end! How dense! Well, anyway, you and Lucy are in my prayers. With Love, Bonnie

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