
Today Lucy fell down our steps. For those of you that have been to our house you know this is not a good thing. Those are our actual steps pictured above!! I was in the shower which is positions slightly below the steps so I can always hear when a little one gets up from their nap and descends down the steps. This day I heard her start down the steps as usual and then a pause. I’ve learned that pauses are usually not good things to hear when listening to little footsteps on the stairs. I think all five kids have tumbled down these stairs to one degree or another and a pause usually proceeds the fall. After Lucy’s pause I heard the fall and jumped out as fast as possible grabbing a towel. By the time I made it out to my bedroom my oldest daughter Nadine was bringing her to me, crying and screaming. “Where are you hurt?” I say as I’m frantically looking for blood, knots, bruises. I ask her “What did you hit?” and I notice a tinge of blood coming out of her nose just as she answers “my nose”. There were no witnesses so we have to go on what she told us and all I got from her was she hit her nose. She is doing fine now but I’m beginning to wonder if she can be “Bubble Girl”. She seems to fall all the time. I think everything she has going on with her jaw may be affecting her balance, but now that I think about it she fell as a baby more than any of my other kids. Maybe her lack of balance is causing all of her other problems…

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