Blessed Mother Teresa

Yesterday, we were very blessed to go see the relics of Blessed Mother Teresa. God’s Providence lead us there. I was going to blow it off because everything I had read said you could view the relics AFTER the 6pm mass. Then I spoke with a friend who told me we actually could arrive at 4:30. We did and were able to stand in a short line and view everything with peace. My friend stayed for mass. She said I was lucky to come early as it was CRAZY afterwards, crowds of people everywhere.

Let me backtrack for a moment. I had gone to the store that morning and ran into a friend. We started to chat and I told her about how we were going to go see Mother Teresa’s relics. I then told her how I was taking Lucy and that Mother Teresa only needed one more miracle to be beatified, become a Saint, and I was going to present her with a perfect case (in my imperfect opinion).

After our conversation I realized what I said must have sounded crazy to a protestant. I always forget when I’m not talking to someone Catholic and say things that could be construed the wrong way, if the person doesn’t know all of the nuances of Catholic “speak”. I want to take this opportunity to clarify what I said. The miracle is not performed by Mother Teresa. As Catholics, we believe in the Communion of Saints. We believe the faithful who are dead and living have a great connection and that we can ask the dead to pray for us just as I can ask you to pray for me. When a miracle is attributed to a Saint it is not through their powers that this miracle occurs but through their most holy, fervent prayers to God on our behalf. God chooses to grant miracles, to us on our earthly journeys, through the intercession of the Saints. He does this to honor the Saints holiness, their persistent efforts to live in the path of Jesus Christ. God wants to highlight these Saints because He knows their example will help us to the holiness we are all called to be. In any case, she knows who she is and I’m sure she will read this, at least I hope. It’s also very possible she didn’t even interpret what I said how I thought, but I thought I would clarify just the same.

At the viewing we were given a holy medal that they let us touch to her first class relics (lock of her hair and drops of her blood) making our medal a third class relic. They also gave out, to those who were ill or in greater need, holy cards with a second class relic in it. Lucy cherished these. That night when putting her to bed she said “Mom, thank you for getting me my new holy card and medal. I love Teresa, she blessed me!”. She now makes me pray the prayer on the back of the Mother Teresa card every night for her healing along with the St. Charbel prayer. I pray that you will never cease asking the Angles and Saints for their prayers of intercession. I know this gives them great joy to spend their heaven helping us reach our ultimate goal, the presence of God for all eternity.

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, you

allowed the thirsting love of Jesus

on the Cross to become a living

flame within you, and so became

the light of His love to all.

Obtain from the Heart of Jesus…the

healing of Lucy’s jaw.  Teach me to

allow Jesus to penetrate and

possess my whole being so

completely that my life, too, may

radiate His light and love to others.


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