CT Results

After a long LONG wait the Dr. finally reviewed the results from the CT scan. It looks as though she does not have total boney ankylosis, she has some bone growth on the exterior of the jaw and fibrosis elsewhere. From the conversation with the doctor I am not exactly sure where everything is located though. Also, the images revealed that the TMJ ball joint is swollen and the ball socket is receding a bit towards the skull. The TMJ doctor wants to schedule a MRI to get a better image of the area so he will know how to proceed surgically. According to him he would do the same procedure (rib graft and all) regardless of boney vs. fibrosis ankylosis.

He didn’t seem too concerned about the possible infection (swollen joint) but I immediately scheduled an appointment with my naturopath. God, once again, provided as they had no appointments available for quite some time but just after they got my message on Monday 3/28 someone called and canceled for that Thursday 4/1.

Lucy is now being treated naturally for several things going on in her system, which I have full confidence in being able to take care of these infections until we can remedy her mouth. Her inability to open her mouth is causing an over inundation of bacteria on her system and whenever new pathogens are introduced (from nature, friends, kisses from mom, dad and siblings, grocery carts, etc.) her immune system is having a hard time keeping them fought off. Since she can’t open her mouth we cannot clean her teeth properly and she has developed some decay. Our mouths are usually one of the first lines of defense against bacteria and viruses but right now her mouth is part of the problem. We do our best to keep her mouth clean and keep her away from places that might introduce too many pathogens, but we can’t keep her in a bubble!! Most of you know that we use therapeutic grade essential oils. We have been utilizing these in maintaining her health. We use many oils on the location of her jaw, she takes some internally and we use a mouthwash and toothpaste with antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal. etc. essential oils in them that help greatly.

I thank God for all of these natural things He has given us. I know that if we had not been consistently treating her with these things she would be in much worse shape than she is now. All of these natural things keeping her healthy allow us to proceed slowly weighing all of our options instead of having to make hasty decisions because of a medical emergency. Your prayers are also helping us to take everything one step at a time with much consideration.

As of today, the hospital does not have any openings for an MRI until May 19 (my grandmothers birthday, I know she is praying for a miracle!!). Until then we will continue to keep Lucy healthy through diet, natural remedies and hopefully sleep, if she cooperates, she has never been a great sleeper. We know that she must have some pain, constant or shooting we don’t know. In general, she is a normal little girl and people don’t notice any difference.

We have a few options for second opinions that seem straight from God. The first is a recommendation from a lady named Lucy and her surgeon just so happens to share an office with the doctor who did Lucy’s mastoidectomy. The second is a woman Shanti has known for a long time but never sees. She happened to have an appointment with Shanti’s dad (he’s a dentist) last week while Shanti was there helping out. He told her about Lucy and she just so happens to be friends with the wife of the surgeon in Dallas who separated the conjoined twins from Iran awhile back, they were conjoined at the skull. Did I mention his wife’s name is Lucy and she does cranial sacral therapy!!

Anyways, I’m sorry it has taken me so long to get this update out to you. It seems as if every time I have a chance to sit and write it I am exhausted and brain dead. I truly appreciate all of the prayers that are being offered for Lucy and our family. I know we could not get through this without them. The next update may not be for a month, unless we have some unexpected news or appointments before then. Thanks again and may God bless you for offering your time praying for us.