Slow Progression

First of all let me apologize for not updating you guys sooner.  We decided to take things one step at a time and shortly after that Lucy along with several of us got sick.  So, we have been focusing on getting everyone healthy before pursuing any further steps.  It seems as if that sickness has passed so I made the appointment for her CT scan for this coming Wednesday March 10th.  We are still praying for a significant improvement over her last x-ray.

Since I last wrote I have found out some new information.  First, the procedure the doctor explained to me, removing the jaw and replacing with a rib graft, seems to be the worst case scenario.  In my research I found out that the ankylosis can be true (bone) or false (fibrosis tissue).  We are praying that it is only fibrosis tissue as this would be possibly a less invasive procedure.  Also, I have found out that there are several different kinds of procedures that can be done to correct this, so we now have some questions to go on when we meet with the TMJ specialist with her CT scan results and get a second opinion.

Lucy is doing great considering all she is going through.  She was up all night last night with a stomach bug and  despite the normal discomfort of throwing up I’m sure it was especially hard for her because her mouth does not open enough to let things escape in a timely manner.  This morning she was complaining of a very sore throat.  It is incidents like this that make me eager to have her jaw corrected.  I still have some fears but God has been working them out.  I’m not sure they will completely go away as we are talking about my child going in for surgery with blind intubation on top of everything else.

Anyways, I can’t thank all of you enough for all of your prayers and support.  We continue to feel God’s grace upon us and know that whatever the outcome of the CT scan Wednesday we trust in God’s will and hope that we will be able to use everything for His greater glory.

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