Either Or

We went to the Dr and he said it could either be an infection or that her immune system is so healthy it is trying to reject the artificial joint. So he put her on anti-biotics just in case.

We will see how she handles the anti-biotic. It’s a pretty harsh one and will probably make her more sick than help her, at least I know what to give her to heal her body afterwards. If it makes her too sick I will see if she can get a shot instead.

I figure either way it may help her. If it’s her body trying to reject her joint the anti-biotic will wreak havoc on her immune system weakening it and therefore cause her body to stop rejecting the joint. It may help too if it’s an infection if any of it gets past her digestive system, into her blood stream, and back up to her jaw…we’ll see. Either way she’ll be taking plenty of natural anti-biotics with alternating pro-biotics too.

I’m confident Lucy will be OK and this is just another one of those things that tends to come your way just when you think you can start planning your days again. I had all sorts of things I was going to accomplish today…instead I’m sitting here at Walgreens. :)

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

In Christ’s Peace,

7 Replies to “Either Or”

  1. Ugh, walgreens. I remember all too well. Praying for a speedy recovery and that God blesses your time so that you can be equally productive.

  2. My auto-immune disease wreaks havoc when I take immune building supplements like elderberry. I have to be really careful when i get a cold not to do too much. Though probiotics do not cause me any issues (but I think that promoting gut health is different than increasing your lymph response). I hope it all gets better. Many prayers

  3. Ive been wondering how yall were doing-God bless yall katie-we will continue to pray for sweet Lucy and your family.

  4. Good morning dearest Guy family,

    Praying for a speedy recovery and that all turns out well. Motherhood is full of opportunities to adapt to the next twist OR turn…

    I continue to pray for you and your family.

    All my love,

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