Praised Be Jesus Christ…

I’m sorry it has taken me so long to write this update.  After getting the kids to bed I had a very neglected house that needed some attention along with making a cake for the birthday girl tomorrow.  Right about now that $55 gluten free cake from Sublime Bakery sounds like a great idea, oh well.  Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support.  Lucy’s tooth was removed this morning at the oral surgeons without a hitch.  She was sedated in the office without any complications, except for the fact that she did NOT like the shot.  She’s still talking about it.  I got to be with her up until she was out of it and they could get started.  I went out into the waiting room, they gave her a shot of Novocain and pulled her tooth and I was back in there in about 15 minutes before she woke up.  We were able to leave once she started to wake up a bit.  Needless to say, she was quite out of it and repeated over and over how hungry, dizzy, tired, sick etc. she was.  Once we got home I got her to go back to sleep for a few hours.  She woke up and was still somewhat tired so she watched a movie.  By the time it was over she had eaten and was walking around.  Once she started to walk around I saw her feel the hole in her mouth where her tooth once was and let out a huge sigh and said “It feels SOOO much better!!!”  I asked if she was still numb and she wasn’t.  Then I asked if it felt better with her tooth out and she concurred.  Next she skipped off to the bathroom to look at her hole in her mouth.  She said she liked it.  The next thing I knew she was outside jumping on the trampoline with her brother.

Apparently, Lucy had been in some  pain with this tooth and/or abscess.  For her to exclaim that it feels so much better now is pretty amazing seeing as the Dr. basically cut out the abscess.  There is a chunk of her gum missing.  Now we can focus on getting her jaw healed.  I’m certain with some of her pain relieved this will be an easier task.  I hope to keep you updated with good news about her jaw soon. Please forgive any mistakes in this post. I am exhausted and going to bed now.

In Christ’s Peace,

5 Replies to “Praised Be Jesus Christ…”

  1. Alleluia!! I am so glad! Thank you for letting us know.

    Happy birthing day to you dear Katie.

    Happy birthday Lucy! Today begins another
    365 day trip around the Sun… enJOY the

    Love to each of you!

  2. God Is GOOD! Now mom can breathe a bit too. Tell sweet Lucy Happy Birthday! We look forward to seeing her this afternoon. Tracie

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